gestion du temps des ressources

Do you use Timesheets in your company?

Do you use Timesheets or not in your company?

There are 2 philosophies of Resource Management in Service organizations; either to manage employee time with Timesheets or not.

The choice is clear for certain types of organizations that bill hours to their clients such as law firms and consultants.

However, in many other sectors, such as companies that place or subcontract resources with their clients, they can bill by the week or month for the total number of resources placed. One can also imagine the same case for companies that develop software that they sell under license; for which the need to compile the hours of employees is less obvious or not necessary.


Gestion de Projet de Développement logiciel chez Analystik

3 challenges of Software Development Project Management

The Services company faces more than one challenge in Software Development Project Management. Unlike a product company, a Service company must constantly match its sales to its ability to deliver.  The goal is to serve customers well while avoiding “non-billable” time.  Project / Production managers in a company generally face 3 main challenges:

  1. Capacity management
  2. Timeline
  3. Budget

Let’s analyze each of these challenges!
