When should you migrate to Windows 10? Part 2 Users

Evidently, Windows 10 represents a significant technology shift, for both users and developers; so, how can we identify those triggering factors that call upon adapting / adopting rapidly such a new technology paradigm? And when do you know it is time for users to migrate to Windows 10?

Considering the role played by and the scope of investments made in IT systems and applications in terms of competitiveness and growth for the enterprise, there is no doubt that any new or significant technology movement must be taken seriously.

Users… and even more so, users’ satisfaction level towards their Windows 10 experience must be considered as a key factor when assessing adoption and integration of this new technology within the enterprise. Here are a few facts that should be seen as positive alarm triggers for IT managers regarding Windows 10.

Surfing the Windows 10 wave can create a positive buzz…

With the advent of any new technology breakthrough or advance, there is always an initial movement created by early adopters which very often become ambassadors and influencers among enterprises, broadcasting the good news. This communication and motivation force can greatly facilitate the initial transition towards the new technology in enterprise and soften the first shock. It is important to recognize and acknowledge these Windows 10 early adopters as it may turn out to be very profitable to capitalize on their enthusiasm and the positive buzz they might be able to create among your enterprise.

Do you already have Windows 10 early adopters among your walls?

User Pressure – enhanced user experience

Do you have most of your employees already converted massively into Windows 10 consumers? No matter what we may think, this reality might become true much more rapidly than expected if Microsoft wins this race and delivers on its promise with the imminent integration of “advanced Management, Communications and Security functions” for Windows Mobile 10 such as Windows Hello biometric authentication (iris), perso vs pro data cleavage, data encryption, etc. It might as well just replace all together BlackBerrys in the heart of many corporate users.

Another Windows 10 key factor that might seduce rapidly a growing number of corporate users is the Continuum function which enables you to transform your Smartphone into a PC just by plugging onto it a screen, a mouse and a keyboard; this functionality could be a huge hit.

On the other hand, chances are that a great many Windows 8 users (never fully achieved…) will also want to move on to Windows 10.

Do you already have Windows 10 aficionados among your enterprise?

It is also possible that the majority of users of one of your key applications have requested a substantial quality enhancement of the user (client) experience, which experience strongly suggests a native application. If this is the case, then Windows 10 and its multiplatform development environment UWP could be just the perfect solution both in terms of cost and delays.

The very same users may just as well require a substantial quality enhancement of the user (client) experience but this time in terms of application portability. Well, in this case also, Windows 10 and its multiplatform development environment UWP (laptops, tablets, smartphones) might just reveal itself as the ideal solution in terms of development.

Do you have many pending user experience quality enhancement requests?

Another case scenario would be if an enterprise wants to profit from the knowledge database and the vocal commands that Microsoft is offering to Cortana users, this function might just turn into another big hit for Windows 10, considering the ever-increasing popularity of Siri. And let’s not forget that the vocal personal assistant Cortana can be synchronized in both ways, between Smartphone and Computer. For example, you might ask Cortana on your Smartphone to execute a task onto your computer (ex.: adding a note on your agenda) or to display on your laptop the notifications missed on your Smartphone or even, to send from your Smartphone an SMS written on your laptop.

Do you already have many Windows 10 Cortana Power Users among your walls?

It is very possible that a large part of your employees have already invaded Windows Store and its 750,000 applications and that they already accustomed to its applications hassle-free real-time update process. Next to that, IT people will look like dinosaurs …

Have your employees already jumped both feet in the Windows Store paradigm and its techno-commercial ecosystem, then you should get on to it… fast!

Also, if a large part of your employees already use Office 365, navigating from one device to another without any problems, it will be difficult for you to impose them unique authentication on a unique device within your company which will appear to them as a cumbersome procedure and a waste of time!

Office 365 and Cloud Azure, it’s already here, now… anytime, anywhere!


No matter what people may say about Microsoft, Windows 10 seems to hold more than enough aces to seduce a great many newcomers and to conquer both consumers and corporate new market segments.

If you experience among your enterprise a combination of some of the behaviors or situations described here above, chances are integrating Windows 10 would potentially trigger employees’ productivity increase. It would be important, some may say opportunistic, to be more than ready for it.

Some say, there is nothing more profitable than a happy employee!


Michel & Denis

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