When should you migrate to Windows 10 in terms of technology? Part 1

Windows 10 represents a new technology paradigm; so, how can we identify those triggering factors that call upon adopting rapidly and migrate to Windows 10 in terms of technology?

Considering the role played by and the scope of investments made in IT systems and applications in terms of competitiveness and growth for the enterprise, there is no doubt that any new or significant technology movement must be taken seriously.


7 good reasons for the enterprise to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10

Does the enterprise need to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10 or from Windows 8 or Windows XP for that matter? It is our opinion that upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10 will definitely be a positive experience for the consumer in many regards; but what about your enterprise?

The fact and the matter is, from both a marketing and technology perspective, it seems like enterprises will also benefit of migrating from Windows 7 to Windows 10 although it might have immediate repercussions on which Microsoft, apparently, has thought about!

There will be a migration cost in terms of adaptation efforts for the personnel, but also in terms of applications and systems migration and, in terms of application development process changes, which we shall explore more deeply in the next post.

Let us remind that the Windows 8 misfire (and its « metro » display which was meant to be the first serious trial at a standard multiplatform display), combined with the lack of Microsoft Smartphones and BYOD, opened the door to both Apple and Google to bring along massive volume of mobile devices among enterprises. Hence, one might question the true penetration potential of Microsoft mobile devices running on Windows 10?
